Find your inner spy at Spyscape, NYC
“I’ve always wanted to play a spy, because it is the ultimate acting exercise.
You are never what you seem.”
Getting ready to enter Spyscape and build our spy profile.
What’s the big deal?
Spyscape is Midtown Manhattan’s newest treasure. This innovative and interactive museum merges your childhood fantasies with history in all the best ways and is 100% worth the trip!
The museum is made up of several innovative modules that will test to see your strongest attributes and compare them to what Spyscape calls spy profiles. The museum’s interactive tests are designed by a former Head of Training of British Intelligence and top psychologists. Many of the modules found in Spyscape take root in spy evaluation tests! It's the real deal. Spyscape from briefing to debriefing is designed around the participant’s experience. Not only that, the experience is still on-going even after you leave! The results of the spy challenges will change as more visitors experience Spyscape.
What are spy profiles? How are they determined?
Spy Profiles allow you to figure out what spy role fits your particular attributes the best! It accounts for things like risk taking, agility, observation and more!
Is it accurate?
I have to say yes! While I can’t speak for the physical aspect (the agility test and I didn’t vibe well together), many of the interpersonal attributes were dead on when compared to those big name attribute tests like StrengthsQuest. My top attributes were definitely spot on and I was only upset with my agility score (more on that upset later). Now on to the spy challenges !
About the Spy Challenges
There are so many incredible aspects of Spyscape, I don’t even know where to start! While the provided spy history is rich with so many interesting instances and developments, the spy challenges are incredible! These spy challenges will test your agility, risk aversion, personality, code breaking skills and more! There is plenty to do and it is up to you what to participate in! Your profile will depend on what you participate in. So the more you do, the more accurate the results!
If I had to pick a favorite challenge, it would hands down be the surveillance room! This challenge requires you to monitor several screens displayed above you for people, objects and details. The challenge begins slow and isolates certain screens so you can get adjusted. The challenge increases in difficulty and speed as time passes (and boy does it go fast!). Pro Tip: If you need glasses, it’s be a good idea to bring them along for this trip.
If you’re a fan of codes and cyphers, Encryption is the exhibit for you. Encryption begins with a brief history of code breaking and encryption. In particular, Spyscape highlights the incredible work done by Alan Turing and his team of crypto-analysts (if you are a fan of the Imitation Game, you will be in heaven). You are also able to see an Enigma and then type out your own codes on the replica Enigma on display. Playing on the enigma is not suggested for those of you with weak nails (as a heads up).
As you are nearing the end of Encryption, you will have the opportunity to flex your own code breaking skills. It is a standard exercise that not only tests your code breaking skills but allows you to make time sensitive decisions. I only wish there were more encryption exercises! Hopefully as Spyscape develops we will see even more encryption challenges in the future!
If you have a knack to pick out lies and liars, I highly recommend entering the Deception room. I won’t give too much away, but you will get a first hand look at some of the technology and methods that the intelligence community are using today for interrogations!
Ever wondered what makes groups like Anonymous? The Hacking room will give you an overview of famous hackers and why their presence is so important today. It is also a fun place for a photo-op if you are into that kind of thing.
Laser Challenge
So small confession before I go more into this part of the museum. I am currently the owner of a broken knee cap and certain movements just don't bode well for my poor knee. So, taking that into consideration, I never imagined I’d be that great at this spy challenge. (Broken knee-cap or without, I still wasn't the fastest kids around). So what do you need to know? The laser room is broken up into two challenges 1) can you hit the buttons without hitting the lasers? and 2) how fast can you hit the buttons?. It really is a fun component that you can try multiple times. The younger crowd (elementary to high school) students love this, but that doesn’t mean you find some athletic grandpa to make you look bad lingering in some corner of the museum. I must admit, I got a big fat 0 for my agility score. It will be something I will continue to work on. I WILL BE BACK!
You will be able to monitor the progress of challengers on a monitor and it is a lot of fun to watch!
Brain Power
This one is a doozy. Ever play brainteasers and excelled at them? This challenge is perfect for you. The Brain Power test will challenge your visual and analytical brain. This will really boost the confidence of those who are good at picking up patterns. I enjoyed this challenge quite a bit. It is challenging and the timer really turns up the stress level. It is important to pick your battles and keep your calm as the timer runs out.
Risk Challenge
So this is a challenge I have a bone to pick with. This is the number one (by design) stressful challenges. My cousins and siblings all agree. This is fact. The risk challenge is a mix of tempting fate and having luck. I was doing just fine until my balloon popped. It's the digital version of "how many breaths can I squeeze into this very fragile elastic balloon before it pops". Give me the real life balloon, I'd choose it over the digital one any day.
Personality Test
There are four separate personality tests that give the spy profile insight to who you are and how you react to certain situations. While it is not in the directions, I would suggest people to think up of one or two situations that really tested your communication and relationship building skills. I believe when you think of real life experiences, you answer the personality questions more accurately. They take time... so take your time. I think the personality tests are key to building your spy profile.
Tips for success
1. Focus on you
Everyone will complete the tasks at their own pace. Helping others or focusing on others will leave you unfocused and you won't be able to do your best on the spy challenges. (Or you could mess with someone else's profile!)
2. Wear comfy clothing
The girl before me ripped her skirt. That being said, I would suggest wearing active wear and sneakers. There is nothing more stressful than your clothes hitting a laser and losing 15 seconds on the timer.
3. Bring your glasses
The surveillance room is a struggle without glasses. Give yourself the advantage.
4. Come well rested
If you are the type to go non-stop through museums, make sure you have the stamina to get through those challenges. As is typical in the age of technology, you will be staring at a lot of screens., especially for the personality test as well as the brainpower and risk challenges. Come well rested so you can focus throughout!
5. Make sure you have a working email
The spy profiles are sent to your email! Make sure you use an email you will check so you can delve further into your spy profile.
6. Come with friends
There is nothing more fun than watching your friends go through the laser room. They will either impress you or make you laugh. It's a win-win situation.
Overall experience
Like I mentioned earlier in this blog, Spyscape is a fantastic museum. It blends the right amount of interactive components to subject matter. Every person I saw at the museum was engaged and it really was worth the time and money (and I paid for six adult tickets). I would definitely go again! Parents, I would be hesitant to bring small children but if they are in elementary school or higher, they are sure to enjoy! I can only imagine how this museum will develop and grow. Seeing the quality of the exhibit and the challenges, the whole museum is impressive, The staff are super helpful and friendly. The environment was great for small groups and solo adventurers. Curious about the laser room, my spy profile and my experience at Spyscape, check out the vlog above!